The numbers should have brought cheer to the government. But Indian officials are not celebrating as they battle two emerging concerns, high global crude oil prices and rising inflation. 政府本应对此感到欣慰,但印度官员并没有额手相庆,因为他们正在努力应对两个正在出现的问题,这就是高企的全球原油价格和不断攀升的通货膨胀率。
As a significant component of price indices, cheaper oil automatically brings down inflation. 作为价格指数的重要组成部分,油价下跌自动拉低了通胀。
Unemployment has not risen much in the EMs, and while headline inflation has fallen sharply over the past year because of the drop in the global oil price, core inflation rates in EMs have moved much less. 新兴经济体的失业率没有大幅上升;另外,虽然因全球油价下跌,过去一年的整体通胀率大幅下降,但核心通胀率的变动却小得多。
The drop in oil prices suggests that eurozone headline inflation should stay below the zero line until autumn. 油价下跌意味着,在今年秋季以前,欧元区整体通胀率应该会一直为负。
As oil prices started falling, inflation was expected to be around zero& but we should now expect it to far below that, with prices falling substantially. 在石油价格开始下跌时,人们曾预期瑞士的通胀率会降至零左右,但考虑到物价正大幅下跌,我们现在应当预期通胀率会降至远低于零的水平。
The 13 per cent price jump in the past 10 days has left oil close to its inflation-adjusted record high of more than$ 100 reached in early 1980 after the start of the Iraq-Iran war. 经过过去10天13%的涨幅,目前油价已逼近经通胀因素调整后逾100美元的历史高点,这是在上世纪80年代两伊战争开始后创下的。
High oil prices and complicated financial schemes have helped the Iranian regime survive sanctions, analysts and officials have said, even as oil production has plummeted and inflation has soared. 分析师和官员指出,即使石油产量下降、通胀率急剧上升,高油价和复杂的金融机制还是在帮助伊朗政府挺过制裁。
The yellow metal also benefits from fears that loose monetary policy and rising oil prices will unleash inflation. 黄金还受益于人们对宽松的货币政策和高企的油价将助长通胀的担忧。
However, following the oil crisis and rampant inflation of the early1970s, funding constraints reigned in the rest area program. 然而,随着20世纪70年代初的石油危机和愈演愈烈的通货膨胀,资金不足的原因限制了服务区计划。
With the world economy weakening and oil prices falling, inflation should not be a real danger. 由于世界经济疲弱、油价下跌,通胀应该不会成为重大风险。
The fluctuation of international crude oil price has some impacts on the inflation in China, and meanwhile the liquidity glut is a very important problem that cannot be neglected. 国际市场原油价格变动对我国通货膨胀具有一定影响的同时流动性过剩仍是一个不可忽视的问题。
Lower oil prices help by reducing headline inflation and raising real incomes of consumers. 更低的油价有助于降低总体通胀和提高消费者的实际收入。
The slump in oil prices helped drag German consumer inflation down to 0.1 per cent in the year to December. 在截至去年12月份的一年里,在油价下滑的帮助下,德国消费价格通胀被压低至0.1%的水平。
At the same time, Ben Bernanke, chairman of the US Federal Reserve, said the falling dollar and soaring oil prices posed risks to US inflation. 与此同时,美联储(FederalReserve)主席伯南克(BenBernanke)表示,美元不断走软,油价日益飙升,给美国带来通胀风险。
Over the past two years, the price of oil has fallen dramatically but inflation has risen. 过去两年,油价急剧下滑,但通胀却在抬头。
The recent easing in prices seems to be a good thing: cheaper oil reduces inflation. 油价近来的回落似乎是件好事:油价下跌能降低通胀水平。
The Fed worries that if it cuts interest rates too aggressively, it could weaken the dollar further, pushing up oil and with it US inflation. 美联储担忧,如果降息幅度过大,可能促使美元进一步走软,从而推高油价,随之导致美国通胀加剧。
They blamed the rise in oil prices for the big increase in inflation. 他们把通货膨胀大幅度增长归咎于石油价格的上涨。
It is also linked to the oil price collapse, which has reduced inflation worries, and to lower demand for jewellery as higher prices earlier this year – gold hit a record high of$ 1, 030.80 in March – and rising unemployment have cut consumer appetite. 它还与油价暴跌(这减轻了通胀忧虑)和黄金需求下降有关,今年早些时候黄金价格上涨今年3月曾达到1030.80美元的创纪录高位以及失业率不断上升都降低了消费者对黄金的兴趣。
All this, it is feared, will dent the profits of big oil and mining firms, stoke inflation and imperil the West's access to resources that it needs just as much as China does. 这一切会动摇大石油和采矿公司的利润,他们担心这样会继续助燃通货膨胀并且危及拥有同样资源需求的西方国家获取资源。
This oil boom can only push the basic inflation rate up to higher levels. 这次石油业的突然繁荣只会使基本通货膨胀率上升到更高的水平。
The Effect of International Spot Oil Price Fluctuations on China Inflation Rate: Empirical Evidence from Almon PDL Model 国际石油现货价格波动对我国通货膨胀率波动的影响
With growth slower and oil prices lower, inflation risks are on average, though not everywhere, less acute. 由于经济增长放缓和油价下跌,通胀风险大多(尽管不是所有地区)不太严重。
Strong growth with mild inflation is all the more amazing given the tripling of oil prices since 2003. Inflation had been nudging upwards because of those oil prices. 鉴于2003以来石油价格上涨了两倍,正是强势增长加上轻微的通货膨胀才促成了这一良辰美景。
The Effects of Oil Price Changes on China's Inflation 国际油价波动对我国通货膨胀的影响
And with rising prices of commodities, especially food and oil, stoking inflation, officials are deciding that allowing a currency to appreciate is a good way to relieve the pressure. 鉴于大宗商品(特别是食品和石油)价格节节攀升,进一步助长了通胀,官员们目前认为,允许本币升值不失为缓解通胀压力的好办法。
Dollar's depreciation drove gold price in first half year, and the high oil price and global inflation is the main reason that gold price soared in second half year. 上半年,美元的持续贬值为金价的上涨提供了动力,而下半年,原油价格的高涨以及全球通货膨胀的显现,更是为金价的上涨提供了动力。
Granger causality tests show that international oil price is the unidirectional granger causality of our inflation rate, which shows further more that international oil price have an impact on inflation in China. 格兰杰因果检验表明国际油价是我国通货膨胀率的单向格兰杰成因,进一步说明国际油价对我国通货膨胀具有影响。